USA Today

USA Today, owned by Gannett, is the largest daily newspaper publication.

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Employee Satisfaction



Only 55% of employees agree that they learn something at work, showing HR does not offer adequate training resources.


USA Today’s perks and benefits rank in the bottom 10% of similarly sized companies.


USA Today ranks in the bottom 5% of similarly sized companies in terms of overall work culture.


USA Today’s salaries rank in the bottom 15% of similarly sized companies, with the average salary of $105,958, and a median of $118,481.


Overall, 82% of employees approve of leadership during the pandemic, as only 20% of employees are required to work in office. USA Today offers great flexibility.




USA Today’s Principles of Ethical Conduct state that they “will avoid potential conflicts of interest and eliminate inappropriate influence on content. In particular, they will not support political campaigns or be associated with those trying to influence the news.


USA Today’s commitment to remain “free of outside interests, investments, or business relationships that may compromise the credibility of our news reporting” and an “impartial arm’s-length relationship with anyone seeking to influence the news” implies that their journalists should refuse substantial gifts.


USA Today’s Principles of Ethical Conduct state that they “will be free of improper obligations to news sources, newsmakers, and advertisers,” so journalists should avoid paying for content.


Advertising content is marked with “AD CONTENT,” “Advertising,” or “Sponsored,” but these labels are relatively difficult to see and it’s not difficult to confuse them with news content.


Many photos are from Getty Images or the Associated Press, though they are clearly sourced and unmodified.

Objectivity & Fact Checking



There is no editorializing in the News section. However, Opinion pieces can be confused with News, since the only location indicating opinion is small text at the top of the page, which can easily be overlooked by ads.


USA Today sets high standards for its sources and weighs their credibility before publishing articles.


There is a centralized location for all corrections. Corrections are also marked clearly at the top of articles.


News articles use neutral language that does not strongly call for a response or action.


While USA Today has opinion writers with various political views, most writers are left of center.

Quality of Sources



USA Today only uses anonymous sources as its last resort. When it was founded, Al Neuharth, the founder, banned anonymous sources, although they are now occasionally used on the paper.


USA Today links directly to studies used in each article so the reader can choose to read the entire study if they wish.


USA Today conducts interviews for the reader to better understand the story and show evidence.


USA Today photographs sites of breaking news to give the reader a better sense of what is happening.

User Experience



USA Today’s subscription costs $59.88 per year ($4.99 per month) which makes it 49.9% of the price of the average news subscription, which costs $120 per year ($10 per month).


USA Today follows a standard layout for its newspaper, with changes on occasion. Nonetheless, it is formatted to highlight important details and be as easy reader-friendly as possible.


USA Today has a very even user distribution, with each group making up roughly 15-20% of their users. Additionally, 25% of their users have bachelor's degrees, and 17% have post-grad degrees. However, this being said, USA Today’s user’s median income is within $20,000 of the US median, indicating that USA Today does not necessarily cater its news for a specific demographic and that its news is comprehensible for the average users.


USA Today’s graphics, visuals, and videos are all meant to add to the story that the article is telling. Whether it be photographs, Twitter posts, maps, or informative graphics, all of their graphics, visuals, and videos tell a story in themselves that improves the reader’s experience and allows them to gather even more information than what is provided in the article.


On their website, USA Today formats their ads, such that they often take up a substantial portion of the page. Additionally, they are not placed in locations that are convenient to the user’s experience, as the ads often stay with them as they scroll down the page. Furthermore, there are numerous sponsored ads in between sections that disrupt the flow of the user’s experience. In doing so, USA Today’s ads become very intrusive to the average user’s experience and do not allow them to fully focus on the articles at hand.


USA Today's website is designed such that each section is easily accessible for the average user. However, only a select few articles provide summaries, which makes it harder for the reader to fully grasp what the article discusses. Moreover, there are a plethora of ads on the website, that can distract the average user and take away from their user experience.